Posted by: Daisy | September 4, 2009

Dear Daisy at 19

Life does seem to fly by on super-sonic speed at times, and it only seems like yesterday I was just finishing my summer, getting ready to start University. With labour day only a few short days away, I thought I’d take a moment to reflect on the past few decades. I was inspired by this and if you find it amusing, you could do the same.

Dear Daisy at 19,

  1. Algebra and Calculas is really useless. Take something of interest, like basket-weaving, or Philosophy – even Politics!
  2. You get what you pay for – when the rent is cheap, there’s a very good reason for it.
  3. Just because you can walk there, doesn’t mean you should at all hours of the night.
  4. You’re smarter than you think.  Grades on a paper only tells you how good you are at test-taking and mean far less beyond the classroom.
  5. When people tell you you’ve changed, realize it only means you’ve grown while they’ve stayed the same.
  6. You are not crazy.  You are simply an explorer who likes to look at the possibilities.
  7. Friends who accept you, just the way you are, are the ones worth keeping.  Keep them close.
  8. It is not a dare.  Just do it.
  9. Chuck out the timelines, life changes and the sooner you learn to adapt, the better.
  10. Student loans is just a taste of what’s to come in a mortgage.  Borrow some more, go on a big trip, and explore the world.
  11. Memories are priceless.
  12. People will die and it won’t be fair.  Life goes on and you make the most of it by living every single day to the fullest.
  13. You are far more beautiful inside and out than you give yourself credit for.  Stop being so hard on yourself.
  14. Smile.  Everyday.
  15. Sometimes, it’s better to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission.  Try that one on for size.
  16. Find a way to keep writing regularly.
  17. Watch Jerry McGuire and find someone who completes you.
  18. Family is where the heart is.
  19. Life is what you make of it.  Try it out, live it out, and pass it on.
  20. Keep playing music.

– Daisy


  1. […] different note, I am left wondering (aloud) why I didn’t get a single comment from my recent post to myself at 19. Was it *that* unengaging if there is such a […]

  2. […] Daisy at 19 – cont’d I wrote previously about a reflection of the past few decades and have more to tell my younger […]

  3. […] Part 1 and Part 2 exist already. Below is part 3. […]

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